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Lesson Nine: Hide and Seek Animals

This week, I wanted to continue trying integrate science curriculum with art while also incorporating more art standards and background. In week seven, we learned about different animal habitats, and what makes it possible for different animals to survive in different habitats. This week, I wanted to build off of that lesson and narrow down the focus on just the rainforest habitat and examining what animals AND plants can live and survive there. We started just by brainstorming some different animals and plants that can be found in the rainforest. and I wrote these on the board. Then, I asked students to think about why these things can survive in the rainforest and not in other habitats? We brainstormed different characteristics of the rainforest that allow these plants and animals to survive there, like shelter, food, temperature, and camouflage. I explained that for this lesson, we're going to be focusing on how animals and plants work together to create camouflage in the ra

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